what would be the best site to download free music and movies safely without making your computer so slow?
Question by CHARMIN: what would be the best site to download free music and movies safely without making your computer so slow? i am using limewire and my computer moves so slow. is there any other free site that… Continue reading
How can you type text like this: “mellow melody” without using font format scripts?
Question by Alexis: How can you type text like this: “mellow melody” without using font format scripts? You know, how it looks all separated and like it’s on a different font? What’s the typeface called?
I see… Continue reading
I Need A Softwear That Lets Me Record Wizard 101 Without Skipping When I Play It Back?
Question by Ryan Skinner: I Need A Softwear That Lets Me Record Wizard 101 Without Skipping When I Play It Back? I’ve been playing wizard 101 every sinces 2008, i found the web site by not knowing what it… Continue reading
Why do they keep making movie sequals without the people than made the movies big?
Question by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥: Why do they keep making movie sequals without the people than made the movies big? Movies like American Pie. After the 3 of them they came out with “American Pie: Band… Continue reading
Q&A: any one interested in making a short film without seeing the other people of group?
Question by Sepehr: any one interested in making a short film without seeing the other people of group? I am a young filmmaker and want to make a short movie about 5 or 10 minutes . I… Continue reading