
Is there any way to make my imported windows movie maker movie a smaller size without cropping it?

by pt

Question by Soliloquy: Is there any way to make my imported windows movie maker movie a smaller size without cropping it? Hi I made a video for a contest in windows movie maker and then saved the… Continue reading

How do I make a Power Point with an animation into a Movie Maker project without downloading programs?

by delphwynd

Question by Bryan: How do I make a Power Point with an animation into a Movie Maker project without downloading programs? I am trying to make a Windows Movie Maker animation by using a Power Point slide… Continue reading

Q&A: Can you submit TV show ideas without having full scripts written?

Question by Ananym123: Can you submit TV show ideas without having full scripts written?

Best answer:

Answer by ShinskaNot that I’m aware of. I can look around for you if you’d like.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: Where can The Office (UK) scripts be read without purchasing the book?

Question by escapeBE: Where can The Office (UK) scripts be read without purchasing the book? I’ve found the US scripts, the UK version is nowhere to be found

Are there any sites that don’t require me to download the… Continue reading

Q&A: How do you make movies using HP MediaSmart without styles?

Question by M: How do you make movies using HP MediaSmart without styles? No matter what I do, it won’t make a movie without one of their hideous styles.

Best answer:

Answer by NickADD me to ur frineds… Continue reading

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