Is learning foreign alphabets or scripts without learning the language itself purposeless?
Question by Sirius: Is learning foreign alphabets or scripts without learning the language itself purposeless? Learn and know the Arabic alphabet. The Hebrew script. Cyrillic. Greek alphabet. But not bothering to learn the Arabic language, the Hebrew language, Russian,… Continue reading
Q&A: How can I sit beside her in a movie without seeming obvious?
Question by Mike-e: How can I sit beside her in a movie without seeming obvious? Let’s say, I don’t know, 3 guys and 3 girls, watching a movie. How can I land the perfect seat beside her,… Continue reading
“With or Without You” – U2 (Twilight Edward & Bella)
This is a video with clips from Twilight to the song With or Without You by U2. I LOVE this song, and thought it fit Bella and Edward perfectly. And if you’re wondering, I didn’t put any of the action… Continue reading
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (without The Riddler)
TV Books and Videotapes Image by darahgna Books about television series, two-thirds of Doctor Who on VHS, and all of Star Trek (TOS).
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (without The Riddler) Nolan reveals title is The Dark Knight Rises and puts… Continue reading
Download Files From Sharecash Without Doing The Offers
Instructions(optional): 1. Rate 5 stars. 2. Follow this link and click on confirm button. 3. Choose between this link or this link then follow choosen link and download. Test file: With this hack you can cheat… Continue reading