
Q&A: Does anybody know of any reliable online pharmacies that will sell you those hard to get meds without a script?

Question by Homie from the Show Me: Does anybody know of any reliable online pharmacies that will sell you those hard to get meds without a script? Email directly if you want to keep it on the D-low. Life… Continue reading

need to find a website pharmacy that wiil sell vicodin online without a script?

by tychay

Question by rock7768: need to find a website pharmacy that wiil sell vicodin online without a script? please spare me the “thats illegal stuff”

Best answer:

Answer by chantell_hanna_2006Well it is illegal!!!!!!!

What do you think? Answer below!

How could I sell a complete movie script without publishing my name?

by dramatomy.com

Question by sudhankannan: How could I sell a complete movie script without publishing my name? My script is a story of an art movie.Plight of a sessions judge who had passed two wrong judgment.

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

How to Cold Call Without a Script

by bootload

How to Cold Call Without a Script

Linear step-by-step sales scripts have done a lot to give selling a bad name. Not because they don’t “work”, actually some people who use cold calling scripts actually do make some… Continue reading

Is there a way they can make a movie 3D without making us wear those glasses?

by Jesse Draper

Question by DUDE OMG IM BORED: Is there a way they can make a movie 3D without making us wear those glasses? I don’t know about anyone else but I hate watching a movie in 3D… Continue reading

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