
Independent Lens | WONDERS ARE MANY | Film Clip 3

http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/wondersaremany WONDERS ARE MANY: The Making of Doctor Atomic tells the story of making a grand opera about the birth of th… Video Rating: 0 / 5

Part 4 – Hidden Wonders – The Sims 3

This part was lost on my computer, and this is the only file of it remaining, and because my video editing software won’t recognise it, I can’t edit this in any way whatsoever. I can’t speed it up, and I… Continue reading

How do people make a living off of one-hit wonders, few successful shows, one successful movie, etc.?

by vancouverfilmschool

Question by John: How do people make a living off of one-hit wonders, few successful shows, one successful movie, etc.? How do most of the thousands of artists, directors, writers, actors, etc. in the entertainment business make… Continue reading

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