
Best Practices in Negotiation–Free is a Four-Letter Word

by Perfecto Insecto

Best Practices in Negotiation–Free is a Four-Letter Word


A bankruptcy lawyer offers a 30 minute, free initial consultation for consumers.

I learned about her because another attorney and I were discussing marketing tactics, and he mentioned… Continue reading

Part 1:Creating Word Books with the Cricut Gypsy

Quick video on how to create a template and use it as a reference to cretae projects that otherwise require multiple mats to cut out on the Gypsy.

www.vanillajoy.com This tutorial shows you how to make a basic Japanese Stab… Continue reading

Scott Mendelson: 2010 Summer Movie Review part II: A word about Independent Cinema and 3D.

Scott Mendelson: 2010 Summer Movie Review part II: A word about Independent Cinema and 3D. With all the babbling about 3D vs. 2D, at the end of the day it was still the movie. Sure The Last Airbender was helped…… Continue reading

The L Word – Online Season 6 Episode 5 – Litmus Test

Watch the Ful Series at ouhalu.notlong.com Jenny manages to sell another movie script which turns out to borrow heavily on someone else’s work. The girls realize Alice and Tasha are having a third-wheel-crush on Jamie. Despite the girls protesting profusely,… Continue reading

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