
would majoring in movie making (director) make me good money after getting a degree ?

by bark

Question by sstone: would majoring in movie making (director) make me good money after getting a degree ? If I study how to direct a movie, would I get a good job for sure or is it… Continue reading

If you had the opportunity to make a movie what movie would you make?

Question by My Avatar Is Beautiful: If you had the opportunity to make a movie what movie would you make? If you won a movie making lottery, all expenses paid, with any cast and crew you wanted with all… Continue reading

Q&A: The movie and books “twilight”. I saw the movie and wondered if i read the books would it spoil it.?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by SUGEY: The movie and books “twilight”. I saw the movie and wondered if i read the books would it spoil it.? I saw twililight and i loved the movie. Then i found out there… Continue reading

What boxer would you most like to see have a movie made of their life?

by Brooklyn Museum

Question by igor: What boxer would you most like to see have a movie made of their life? any boxer in history who had an interesting life. for me maybe kassim ouma, his life would make… Continue reading

Q&A: Do you think this is all ill need for this much of a basic video editing pc?at would you like to ask?

by Chris Devers

Question by Alexander H: Do you think this is all ill need for this much of a basic video editing pc?at would you like to ask? All i want is to use is windows xp home… Continue reading

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