Harry Potter Favorites/who/what would you?
Question by RitaSkeeterWannaB: Harry Potter Favorites/who/what would you? i am a huge hp fan and there haven’t been many of theese lately, so i’m gonna make one
the basics 1)Favorite Male? 2)Favorite Female? 3)Favorite Luna Scene? 4)Favorite Ron Scene?… Continue reading
Where would making out lead?
Question by Piper Louise: Where would making out lead? Me and my boyfriend plan on going to the movies and of course, to make out. Its our first time. Would he maybe get a… Continue reading
What is the best laptop that would be good for someone who loves music, making movies, photos etc.?
Question by Caleb: What is the best laptop that would be good for someone who loves music, making movies, photos etc.? I wanting to buy a laptop but not sure what to get. Need something that can… Continue reading
What would be a good title for this movie?
Question by fobxo73: What would be a good title for this movie? I have to make a movie for my digital media class. My movie is a spy movie starring 3 girls. They are acting like spies. It is… Continue reading
What hardware would I need to make home movies on an Apple mac?
Question by classicc: What hardware would I need to make home movies on an Apple mac? I have Final Cut Express & Adobe Premiere software. I also have a Sony DCR-TRV140E camcorder & 2 external hard-drives @… Continue reading