
Q&A: What are some good laptops that would fit my needs?

Question by sometimes.: What are some good laptops that would fit my needs? My old laptop broke on me recently, and I’m looking for a new one.

I’m a high school junior right now, and I’m taking classes that… Continue reading

what would your reaction be if you found out your 17 year old daughter wants a job making X rated movies ?

by Shira Golding

Question by bill l: what would your reaction be if you found out your 17 year old daughter wants a job making X rated movies ? and you found out she was looking into it by… Continue reading

Porgrammers Would You Liek To Sell?

Question by Snake: Porgrammers Would You Liek To Sell? Iam looking for Flash Intros, Web Templates & java Scripts. If you have good things designed then please let me know. If i like your work i will mail you… Continue reading

Would you see a movie based on a board game such as Battleship or Monopoly?

by Prestwick

Question by Put Lumi Back Together!: Would you see a movie based on a board game such as Battleship or Monopoly? If anyone remembers or has seen the movie Clue, I guess it would be like that.… Continue reading

Can you believe that a movie studio would spend half a billion dollars to make a movie?

Question by wiseguy: Can you believe that a movie studio would spend half a billion dollars to make a movie? …about very tall elf like creatures? Have showbiz kids lost whatever modicum of good sense they once had? Where… Continue reading

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