How much does it pay to write scripts for video games?
Question by huudoo M: How much does it pay to write scripts for video games? I would like to write stories for video games when I grow up and have even started on some game plots, but I would… Continue reading
How To Write A Book ········· [14 Days To Bran]
Preorder / preview my book: This video was originally written as a blog post for my website, but I adapted it for a video. I thought it would have a better effect if it showed me in the process… Continue reading
How do you write macroes/ commands/ scripts/ programs/ executables?
Question by Some1: How do you write macroes/ commands/ scripts/ programs/ executables? I want to write scripts or programs or whtever they’re called to interact with the internet and maybe other programs, and basicaly to do things… Continue reading
Starting in Entertainment : How to Write a Screenplay
The most basic beginning when writing a screenplay is to outline plot and story ideas. After drafting story line ideas begin developing characters and other important factors for every screenplay with tips from an experienced entertainment writer in this free… Continue reading
Q&A: Should I be getting paid to write? HELP!!!?
Question by MATTHEW C: Should I be getting paid to write? HELP!!!? I recently pitched a script to a manager/producer. He was not very interested in what I brought him but he did give me an assignment… Continue reading