
I want to write the scariest movie!?

by nimboo

Question by Chewy: I want to write the scariest movie!? Well Im a 19 year old male and well I have wanted to get into acting.But I may pursuit that very soon.So I have had some depressing… Continue reading

Will someone help me write the script for tomorrow’s “breaking news” ACORN video?

by SteampunkAdventure

Question by Sadcat: Will someone help me write the script for tomorrow’s “breaking news” ACORN video? I’ve been trying to come up with ideas.

Let’s see…

James and Hannah approach to African Americans that they assert to… Continue reading

Lastest Write Movie Script News

I can’t really write scripts but I have so many ideas and stories for films. What should I do?

Question by Freespirited: I can’t really write scripts but I have so many ideas and stories for films. What should I do? I am a songwriter and I’ve always been a good writer ever since I was a child.… Continue reading

Lastest Write A Movie Script News

The right to tear arms Considering that Andy Warhol made a five-hour movie featuring a guy sleeping and Gus Van Sant made one in which Matt Damon and Casey Affleck basically trudge wordlessly through the desert, we know it’s technically… Continue reading

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