Lastest How To Write Movie Script News
Book Trailers Go Viral Book trailers are all the rage among publishers, but few of them succeed in bringing in new readers. Shannon Donnelly on the best and worst of the latest marketing tool—and one campaign that’s actually writing a… Continue reading
Lastest Write A Movie Script News
ABC Family Plans Movie About Lesbian Teen In Miss. A spokeswoman for ABC Family says the network has plans to develop a movie about Constance McMillen, the Mississippi teenager whose school prom was canceled after she asked to bring… Read… Continue reading
Lastest Write Movie Script News
Day 174: Spark Image by madmolecule Getting ready to start shooting a new movie. I had a rehearsal/script conference with the lead actress tonight, and we came up with some terrific improvements. Now I just have to write them…
Addendum:… Continue reading
Lastest How To Write A Script For A Movie News
‘Back to the Future’ writer decries lack of originality in today’s movies TORONTO – “Back to the Future” screenwriter Bob Gale despairs at the lack of originality he sees in current movies, and says it’s become tough for filmmakers to… Continue reading