
Q&A: How do i begin to write a movie? what is the first step of making movies? ?

Question by RENALDO D: How do i begin to write a movie? what is the first step of making movies? ? I have an idea for a movie but i dont know where to begin writing the story.

Best… Continue reading

if i had a idea for a tv show could i sell the ”treament” before i actually write the script

Question by livvy b: if i had a idea for a tv show could i sell the ”treament” before i actually write the script

Best answer:

Answer by Elizabeth http://DFWTheater.comIf you are an established writer, yes. Newcomers will… Continue reading

Breaking Into Hollywood – How Do I Write For Tv If I Live In Nyc?

by Antonis Lamnatos

Breaking Into Hollywood – How Do I Write For Tv If I Live In Nyc?

Despite popular (and fairly legitimate) concern, it definitely is possible to write for TV if you are based in New York rather… Continue reading

Script Writing: How To Write A Good Script

by wallyg

Script Writing: How To Write A Good Script

As a writer, your dream on making it big in the entertainment industry is selling a script and making a movie out of it.

Movies are one of the best… Continue reading

How To Write A Movie Script – Screenwriting Tips

by Yvesanemone

How To Write A Movie Script – Screenwriting Tips

So you want to be a screenwriter, but where do you start? What tools and resources are necessary to learn to be a screenwriter? Do I have to spend… Continue reading

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