
writing a horror film script, need inspiration for torture techniques?

by shaun wong

Question by fmyr: writing a horror film script, need inspiration for torture techniques? I’m currently writing a script for a full length horror movie. We’re on a tight budget (theres only two o us making it),… Continue reading

Are Sports Medicine Doctors used to writing scripts to people for narcotics?

Question by supermomof4boys: Are Sports Medicine Doctors used to writing scripts to people for narcotics?

Best answer:

Answer by LA High Risenarcotics as in Meds? if so yes of course. If not, then they are not doctors they… Continue reading

Good movie or writing jobs?

by angus mcdiarmid

Question by Emma: Good movie or writing jobs? First of all, I am trying to figure out what job I would like to pursue when I am older. I know I would probably like something to… Continue reading

Q&A: What is the psychology behind fanfic writing?

by freestone

Question by Katie M: What is the psychology behind fanfic writing? That subject line was the best way I can think of to describe what I do, 18-22 hours a day. And I’m curious to know if… Continue reading

I have an interest in writing movie scripts and only 16 how could i make this a full time profession?

Question by Matt: I have an interest in writing movie scripts and only 16 how could i make this a full time profession?

Best answer:

Answer by amyhpeteStudy hard in your English and social studies classes in school.… Continue reading

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