Cleveland’s Torso Murders continue to fascinate 75 years after first killing
Cleveland’s Torso Murders continue to fascinate 75 years after first killing It’s been 75 years since the first body was found in what came to be known as the Torso Murders case. The crimes went unsolved, but the story lives… Continue reading
Going ‘Back to the Future,’ 25 years later
Going ‘Back to the Future,’ 25 years later On October 26, 1985, Marty McFly took a fateful journey in a Delorean, which sent him hurtling back to 1955. Read more on CNN
The Sims 2 – 100 Years
*UPDATE FEBRUARY 3RD 2009* Hey guys! Thanks to a helpful tip from a commenter, I’m going to try my hand at entering this for the Valentine’s Showcase 2009. Wish me luck! I may or may not make another entry,… Continue reading
20 years of journalism for kids, by kids, about kids
20 years of journalism for kids, by kids, about kids By Paul LiberatoreMarin Independent JournalSome journalists work entire careers without ever having the opportunity to interview a news maker as high-profile as Gen. Read more on Marin Independent Journal
Tom… Continue reading
Black is WAY older than 500 years old,YOU DECIDE!!! part 5
The myth that the term Black in describing Black and African people of being only 500 years old is systematically broken down by ISHMAEL ALLAH in multiple scripts and text even with the self descriptions of 935 plus BC!!! This… Continue reading