
Nerf Wars: The Zombie Part 2

Yep! We filmed this a long time ago… I’ll put the next one up once we get 60 subscribers!!! Also, i know these two parts are very cheesy… we plan to up our video film skills very soon!!! My Channel:www.youtube.com… Continue reading

Zombie Makeup Tutorial #2 – Rotting Flesh


Voici le reportage de Canal + pour l’émission Tentation 07 présenté par Ariel Wizman sur les Lanceurs de canettes de Valence. Video Rating: 4 / 5

‘Zombie’ Stars Key To Measuring Dark Energy

‘Zombie’ Stars Key To Measuring Dark Energy “Zombie” stars that explode like bombs as they die, only to revive by sucking matter out of other stars. According to an astrophysicist at UC Santa Barbara, this isn’t the plot for the… Continue reading

Call of Duty 4 Mod Reign of the Undead Zombie 2 Beta Server LOL

Gameplay della mod di cod 4 degli zombie con la musica dei Linkin Park – The Catalyst. In tutto le ondate di zombie sono 8: 4 normali, all’ultima si arriva anche a 2500 zombie(se ci sono 20 in uan partita),… Continue reading

Call of Duty 4 Mod Reign of the Undead Zombie 2 Beta Server LOL

Gameplay della mod di cod 4 degli zombie con la musica dei Linkin Park – The Catalyst. In tutto le ondate di zombie sono 8: 4 normali, all’ultima si arriva anche a 2500 zombie(se ci sono 20 in uan partita),… Continue reading

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