The Art of Seduction – 5 Essential Steps to Seducing the Woman of Your Dreams
The Art of Seduction – 5 Essential Steps to Seducing the Woman of Your Dreams
Master the art of seduction and you will have all the hot women you could possibly desire. Just imagine walking into any bar, night club, party or any other social gathering knowing you can have your pick of beautiful women. It does not matter how much money you make or what you look like, you will be able to seduce them at will!
Just follow these 5 basic steps and hot women will be begging for your number!
1. Appearance
Dress conservatively – always make sure you have a nice appearance. Anything too radical will turn off a lot of women before you can even say a word. Also, dress for the occasion. You wouldn’t want to wear a suit and tie to a beach party, likewise, you wouldn’t want to wear tattered shorts and a t-shirt to a formal dance or fancy restaurant. Like the song says “every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man”.
2. Body language
Move slowly and smoothly, but with confidence. Don’t be hectic and move jerkily. This will scare women away. Your voice and movements need to be slow and elegant, like James Bond.
Don’t bury your hands in your pockets, clasp them behind your back or let them dangle freely. Don’t cross your arms or slouch. Keep your head up and shoulders slightly back.
Always smile, not like a circus clown, but a slight, genuine, even enigmatic, Mona Lisa type smile. There is something extremely disarming about a genuine smile that will break down barriers and get her to trust you.
When talking to her, angle your body to hers, as in side-by-side or at a SLIGHT angle towards her. Do NOT do full frontal to her or invade her space. Lean away from her rather than in towards her.
Body language is very important to the art of seduction. It can make or break the deal.
3. The approach.
The worst thing you can do is go up to her and throw a cheesy pick-up line or insincere compliment at her. This approach just will send her running away from you. Remember, they’ve heard it all before and most women don’t like to be “hit on”. Just don’t do it. The art of seduction is about subtlety, not clumsy pick up lines.
The best approach is to let them think they are approaching you. Position yourself near her, but not too close. Focus your attention on something else. For example, a man at a video store was looking at DVDs next to a woman. After a moment or two, without even looking at her, he says “Do you like action movies?” In the brief moment that ensued, while she was trying to figure out if he was talking to her, he turned slightly toward her, raised his eyes to look at her and smiled to let her know he was talking to her.
That is about the least intrusive opener there is. It’s very nonthreatening and catches her off her guard plus it opens the door for a conversation.
4. Conversation
Generally speaking, the first conversation should be casual and light. Remember not to face her directly, lean away slightly. Be polite but somewhat disinterested. Talk about her, NOT you. Keep it light. Ask her questions about herself and at all times, be confident, not arrogant or egotistical. The art of seduction is about being subtle, coy and confident, not cocky or arrogant.
Pretend to be only half interested. Say just enough to keep the conversation going. In the example above, our fellow at the video store talked to her as he continued to look at DVDs. He would only look at her and smile occasionally when she said something he liked or agreed with. As the conversation progressed, she became more interested in him, but he was showing little interest in her so now she’s wondering how she can get HIM more interested in HER as she edged closer to him.
5. Close the deal… get her number!
Assuming you had a good conversation with her, this should be relatively easy. If you did it right, she will be offering you her number. If she doesn’t, try this. Tell her you have to get going and then start to walk away. Turn to her as you are leaving and say “by the way, would you like to do something sometime?” If she says “yes”, you’re in!
To truly master the art of seduction, you must study it and practice it. You won’t get it right at first, but keep trying! Soon you will be able to seduce beautiful women at will. Seduction is about subtlety with confidence, not crude, rude or obnoxious behavior. Master it and you will be able to seduce nearly any woman no matter what your current situation is, or how you look.
For a free report on the art of seduction, including topics such as:
*psychological tricks you can use to pique their interest
*how to exploit the curiosity factor to greatly increase your success rate
*how to use the “negging” strategy to break down her barriers
Go to and download your free report today.
Bill Johnson
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Question by Jw Crabtree: How is movie making not an art?
My mom told me that movies aren’t art, she said they’re cheap and fake, but then she agrees that theatre, photography, cinematography and all that is art even though movie making is basically a mix, she said it’s too much of a gamble and business to be art because you can’t express yourself in film like you can in painting or photography
She was a published critic when she was in college and a little while after and some of her friends are directors or part of the film crew on a bunch of movies and documentaries
She said if I pursue it I’ll go belly up like so many and it won’t matter if I try
Best answer:
Answer by Morganne
I think that it is an art form. Photography is art. They have to get the movie scenes just perfect. They design the sets and put makeup on the actor/actresses. Both of those are arts. They use computer and graphic designing to create something. Art is basically creating something that means something to you. It can be anything…even a movie.
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