The Creative Athlete: Winning at Any Age
The Creative Athlete: Winning at Any Age
Last week my piece on ageism created a small furor in Ad Land. It was not unexpected. I knew the topic was radioactive and, therefore, the perfect subject for my blog: Gods of Advertising. When Talent Zoo published my article, the message boards really lit up.
Fact. We are all going to die. And before that we will get old. What’s contentious for many is the idea that getting old precludes getting ahead in advertising.
I wrote that I fight the aging process, in part, because I don’t want to “lose” my job. I’d like to amend that comment: I fight the aging process because I “love” my job. Maybe love is the better “L” word; it removes the unhealthy fear from our discourse. Fear is a cancer in any creative department.
Let me introduce a phrase I’ve had in my head for years but seldom articulate at work. It is not a part of our agency’s