The Facts About Flight Attendant Jobs
The Facts About Flight Attendant Jobs
Airline flight attendants have been glamorized in film and books for decades – ever since the first stewardess pinned on her wings and greeted a passenger at the gate. We all know what airline flight attendant jobs are like, don’t we? After all, we’ve seen the movies and read the books. Flight attendants lead glamorous lives with parties in every city. They’re always impeccably groomed and ready to fly at a moment’s notice. They get to meet celebrities and take advantage of all sorts of job perks – like free travel.
The realities of the job are a little less glamorous, according to those who work in airline flight attendant jobs. Here’s the real lowdown on airline flight attendant jobs according to the people who should know – airline flight attendants.
Before the flight:
– First call of the day, a briefing of the flight crew