The HP movies cut out so much –so how will people who dont want to read the books want to read it?
Question by feltonfan: The HP movies cut out so much –so how will people who dont want to read the books want to read it?
Okay, in every Harry Potter movie, A LOT of things were cut out. So that makes the books ALWAYS better then the movies, and basically, (esp number 5) make the movies suck. I am A BIG FAN of harry potter, and i read all the books. But alot of people wont read the books cause they’re too long and they only watch the movies. Then they see the movies and they think it isnt so good, but they dont understand that the books are WAY better. How do you feel about this?!
I really think the movies should step it up a notch!! Like alot!
Also, as a HP fan, I know they dont add everything because of the time length, but I’d rather watch a VERY long Harry Potter film with EVERYTHING in it then a short film with practicAlly nothing. (I would DEF watch a long hp film, xD)
Best answer:
Answer by nate
i love the movies but dont wanna read the books, theyre like 23507892345 pages long! lol
but number 5 (the movie) pretty much did rock, lol
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