The Movie Booth Launches Flagship DVD Rental Kiosks in the UK and Ireland Retail Stores
the kiosk. These new kiosks have been designed with the end-user in mind and have several features which make renting a DVD a simple process. The partnerships we are developing with retailers should ensure we achieve substantial coverage across the UK and Ireland by the end of 2008”.
In an ever changing market, retail outlets should soon feature automated DVD kiosks to be able to benefit from the fall from grace of the traditional DVD rental store. The successful trials with Tesco, Centra and Applegreen would lead to national deployment of DVD kiosks in a parallel to the success they have achieved in the United States. DVD machines have experienced a massive growth in the USA with over 9000 kiosks being installed in the last two years with ease-of-use, convenience and cost being provided as the main reasons for the kiosks success. Kiosks