The Name Of The Game Is Collaboration


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was a terrific accomplished composer.   Alphy wanted to produce the script as a pilot and have Scott Jacoby star in the lead role.  I couldn’t give up the part.  I had written it as a vehicle for me.  Scott graciously agreed to direct.  Amazing.  Scott was a joy to work with.  All of us had many creative arguments along the way which I have learned is standard operating procedure on many studio sets but everyone was fighting for the same thing: To turn out the best possible product.  Alphy Hoffman deserves a lot of credit for assembling a cohesive team that had great chemistry.   I am amazed that he was able to attract so much talent considering the budget we had to work with!

What we turned out was a fun, entertaining, low budget half hour sit-com pilot that had terrific production values  and a great score.  We didn’t sell the show to the networks

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