The ‘new Dark Ages’
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a vampire had to fear the light of day and the fact that they didn’t have a reflection in a mirror. In the old days the vampires stayed hidden in their coffin, in some secret room of their house, until there was no possibility of any sunshine shinning on them. Can you now remember the inference of just how bad/evil these characters were? They couldn’t tolerate any of the light and would die if left in the sunlight. Remember the inference to all the Bible stories about light? The story of how things evil and dark feared all things of the light, AKA Jesus the Light of the world? Can you see now the cloudy twists and tweaks with the intension to deceive? Tie all things twisted together to see the hidden intent to deceive. With the promotion of the vampire to mischievous lad; the demotion of the vampire hunter to less than respected idiot or bad priest as well as the facts of
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