The ‘new Dark Ages’
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that the twisting and tweaking must be subtle and non-descript in order to get pass our adult radar. Surely those with devious intent could not come out on the six-o’clock news and declare that they wanted to make our children more drawn to dark and evil things! Because of how subtle their intent is, one appears to be a religious nut! Now one can accuse me of over-doing things a bit or accuse me of making something wrong out of nothing. I truly wish I was. However, if I were not telling the truth, than why do our children see vampires in a new light; why do they empathize with them and why do they actually wish to emulate them? Allow me to develop this point a bit more for clarity.
Simply put, I hope you can now see the devious twisting and tweaking to make evil more palatable for our children. We all know and believe that a frequent exposure, applied with
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