The ‘new Dark Ages’
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called Wicca) by our youth. So yes folks, we were talking about make-believe for you and me. For our children, we did not know it until recently, but they, our children, are talking about real things taken from our make-believe! The following will prove all that I am saying. If more proof is needed, as I said back when we started, call your local police and hear it directly from them! I tell you honestly, if this were not true, the following activities would not be happening to our children across the country.
In just about every major city today there are rather large groups of youngsters who have bought into the new twisted and tweaked script for vampires, and in doing so many of our kid’s wish to seriously emulate today’s scripted vampire characters, because they are ‘cool’, sexy and all powerful! All attributes our children wish to possess. Yes,
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