The ‘new Dark Ages’
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the meanings were universal and understood by all.
Your local police will inform you if there are any groups like this in your town or if it hasn’t hit there yet, you can take it as being fore-warned. Lastly, while I am speaking of warnings you need to know that there is one group of male adults predators that hang around these kids. There appears to be many forty and fifty year old males dressing and acting like the most extreme kid’s, in order to be able to be close to the young impressionable girls. Buying alcohol and teaching the younger girls how to be Goth/vampire as well as other activities such as Tantra sex magic (magic spelled with a k) being propagated by these ‘adult’ predators. A popular reality television show recently had a contestant that would fit the description of an adult male in his forties or early fifties, acting and dressing
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