The ‘new Dark Ages’
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gay groups are now overtly disrespectful of all things Christian. Your teen sees his or her ‘favorite’ actor or actress out-right bashing Christianity because they are either, gay or very liberal, and simply because it’s the new ‘cool’ thing to do in Hollywood. Many local newspapers tend to lean left and are supportive of various subversive lifestyles offended by Christianity’s beliefs and so an anti-Christianity disposition comes through whatever they report or don’t report, on purpose. There are many ‘safety-nets’ in place today to prevent any actions or speech to come across as ‘anti-Muslim’. However, it appears to be ‘open season’ for Christian’s and Christianity. I make this point not because my feelings are hurt or I wish for things to be different. No, I make this point in an attempt to explain the polluted climate that ‘The New Dark Ages’
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