The Role of Women in Movie Trailer Voice Overs
The Role of Women in Movie Trailer Voice Overs
Everybody knows who the movie trailer voice over guy is. The first thing to note is that I said “guy”. To put a name to this man of mystery, it’s Don LaFontaine.
It’s no secret that the movie trailer industry is a man’s world. I happen to be acquainted with and know many gentlemen who record movie trailer voice overs. Rodney Saulsberry is one of them, and his work is exceptional and highly regarded just as Don’s is.
Let’s cut to the chase. When is the last time you heard a female voice talent promoting a blockbuster film in the theatres or on TV? Even the straight to DVD movies, including independent films, sequels and the like, are predominantly voiced by men.
Why is that? What is holding female voice talent back from excelling in this arena? Maybe we should reevaluate the question we are asking and