The technology in movies such as eagle eye and deja vu… does USA have that? but just hiding it from us?
Question by Vanish: The technology in movies such as eagle eye and deja vu… does USA have that? but just hiding it from us?
i was just watching eagle eye and i find that the technology in the movie is way too advanced… but i know its possible. i keep having this feeling that all this technology is available but hidden from the public and also used against us… its bs how the government can watch and monitor us without permission and notice.. the make the law so they can manipulate it to their advantage…
Best answer:
Answer by mel
maybe true.
if we are not political liabilities, CIA wont waste their time on us. they have better things to do and they depend on their spies to tell them what we do, if subversive.
some of it will come to reality. some are cinematic camera tricks. some are bs.
so we wait and see
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