The Three Se”C”rets of Successful Video Communication


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do you want the viewer to do with the information you just gave to them? Do you want them to call your toll-free number, browse your website, or simply agree with your vision and values?

Nothing is more fruitless and frustrating than watching a video and at the end, it leaves you asking “What was that about? What was the point of that?” (think: most superbowl commercials). You’ve created a video for a purpose and with a goal in mind (ie, increase sales, branding, fundraising, entertain, etc.), so you must summarize what action you want them to take.

People are lazy by nature, and simply communicating facts about your product or service is not going to produce an outcome. This is why infomercials are so effective at selling stuff you don’t really need and hadn’t planned on buying. There is a continual push to “call the toll-free

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