The Wedding Officiant’s Fee


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everything from marriage licenses to the name charge process to wedding etiquette.


So, factoring in the above actually brings our “15 Minute Ceremony” up to 5 hours of time on the part of the officiant.


Still, our frugal friend might howl that brings us to an hourly average of –unjustifiable to many. So, let’s take the following expenses into account.


How did our fine fellow find us? Through one of the wedding sites upon which we advertise. This does not come for free. Nor does our website that we pay to design, maintain and host in order to give prospective clients complete information on our services as well as access to other helpful resources.


Add in the cost of gasoline, car insurance and maintenance to get us to the ceremony on time (always a plus!)


Office expenses, ministerial vestments, binders,

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