The Wedding Officiant’s Fee


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our ceremony resources, for , so let’s assume that is a safe bet. Lopping that off the top of the original 9 brings our officiant’s hourly rate down to a more reasonable .00 per hour.


Now, our fine fellow could certainly have his best friend, Bud obtain a quickie online ordination and perform the wedding ceremony for the compensation of a six-pack.. That would be one way to save the cost of an officiant and is a viable option for many. However, before you go call up the Bud-ster, you might want to think about what comes with that .00 per hour fee.


A professional wedding officiant is going to be able to handle anything that comes along on the day of the wedding. It’s not as simple as showing up and reading the script. Consider the following mishaps that have happened to couples whom I’ve wed: microphones die during the ceremony,

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