The Weekend Warrior: October 22 – 24

The Weekend Warrior: October 22 – 24’s The Weekend Warrior offers a preview of the new releases opening on Friday, October 22, and the big one is the anticipated scary sequel Paranormal Activity 2 (Paramount), while Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter (Warner Bros.) starring Matt Damon expands nationwide. No “Chosen One” this week but in “The Battle Cry,” we ask a bunch of questions but don’t offer a lot of answers.
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Bryan Kinneen: An Open Letter to Ken Buck (Satire)
You tried to come out of the closet, Ken. But my ears may have been among the few to really hear it. You made it clear that you chose heterosexuality. The rest of us? Yeah, not so much.
Read more on The Huffington Post

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