The Written Word: Rajeev Jain (Indian Cinematographer) Visual wizardry….
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The Written Word: Rajeev Jain (Indian Cinematographer) Visual wizardry….
The world just got a whole lot smaller. I am still in a state of total disbelief. The horrific crimes of recent suicide bomb blasts were beyond comprehension and human logic. How is it that our goals and aspirations can be so different in spite of coming from the same mould? As a father, I am always trying to encourage my two little angels Abigail Jain (17yrs.) and Kimberly Jain (13 yrs) to work hard, be fair, be honest, be kind and humane and most importantly, be open minded and tolerant of other people.
The terrorists who executed this deadly plan lied, cheated, murdered and judged all others who did not subscribe to their twisted perversion of faith and morality.
This is a very difficult time to be positive, but the future of our children and rights of a free democracy depends on everyone continuing to
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