This Weekend, Watch This

This Weekend, Watch This
New movies are released into theaters every weekend. How do you decide which movie to watch? Some people could pick a movie based on the title (Surprisingly, 500 Days of Summer, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Six Days Seven Nights, and The Next Three Days – all have different genres).
Read more on Box Office Prophets

Today is Earth Day! Get a free tree at Lowe’s, free coffee at Starbucks, free information at Charlotte Hungerford …
On April 22 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day as a way to force the issue of pollution and the environment into the national agenda. The first Earth Day was a success with 20 million Americans demonstrating across the country. By the December of 1970, Congress authorized the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Read more on The Register Citizen

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