Tibia Mage Guide
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2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 25-30
Also easy levels. Eighter you can continue hunting at larvas while maybe making some HMMs or you can go hunt at the GS tomb using a two-handed weapon if you wanna gain some faster exp.
Level 28-40
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 30-40
These levels might be quite boring, but it’s a part of the game. A good place to hunt is at the Edron Dragon lair with 2 demon skeletons as summons. This would probably need you to get some BPs with IHs to heal your summons.
Experience is “fair” and loot is “average-low”.
Another way is to stay at GS tomb or larvas. Takes more time but here you will waste less money. Good for botters. You could also