Tips To Make Your Own Movie For Internet Marketing
the video. This is as important as the beginning.
So what do you include in the video:
You need to work on a way to put across valuable content. Think about the why, how and what. Add emotions as this will help make that connection. Remember the audience is making that connection with you. However, do not over do it. Too much of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ will put people off and is one of the mistakes many people make.
You could take ideas off of books you have read
Use personal life experiences provided they are relevant.
Mention a current event, but keeping in mind the video may be present for many years.
Tell a story. The saying goes; facts tell, stories sell.
So what about the execution:
Use a good digital camera. A USB port is useful for instant downloads.
Use a tripod as there is nothing worse than a shaky or blurred