title name of an adult movie about cell phone, brain control, ?
Question by CHACHITO: title name of an adult movie about cell phone, brain control, ?
Hey..i know its kinda stupid i watched a part of a movie once, of course R rated, about a guy who’s friend (girl) is a science geek who is trying to create a mood control machine, but smthn happens like lightning, and so his cell become this capable, able to control anyones mind or mood or body using his cell wave signals, his cell has also kinda a mind of its own now.
So ofcourse…. what guy doesnt dream of controling all girls he meets …so he kinda uses his cell to avange on a girl groupy making them react to different trigger words in funny ways blabla, and making different fantasies true….
ok now i really dont want replies yappin at me for this ques…but me and the guys want to see it for fun and i forgot the name and every keyword in it except that… its a funny movie i recall…i think first and last time i saw this part of it was 2-3 years back…
if u’ve seen it or know how to get it…reply..thx…
Best answer:
Answer by Michael Kevin
You didn’t mention the name of the pornstars involved in the movie, or you just didn’t know their names… Well, it’s hard to find then.
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