Top 10 Video Games of 2009 at
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improvements to an already sound franchise include the co-op mode (team up with a pal to knock over the blocks) and a better level editor (which lets you download new levels created by the game designers as well as fans).
Details: Nintendo Wii platform; .99; rated Everyone (cartoon violence).
No. 3: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
The last installment of the signature PlayStation platformer doesn’t disappoint. It neatly packs something for gamers of all ages into a well-written and -acted story with memorable characters who move about bright, colorful planets across a vast galaxy.
The action and variety (whether exploring interstellar worlds or engaging the enemy in “Star Wars”-type space battles) as well as the technical superiority of the title (shouldn’t there be load screens like on other games?) are a must-have for PS3