Top Seven Ways to Write An Order-Pulling Sales Letter


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passive income, or share their unique message.

Many people don’t write a book because they doubt it will sell
well enough for all the effort, it may not be significant
enough, it will take too long, cost too much money, and they
really aren’t writers. One, by one, your sales letter addresses
their concerns and shows these potential buyers why they need to
write a book to brand their business or share their message. You
show them how they can become an excellent author and make their
books more salable, while building their practice and profits.

4. Sprinkle Testimonials Throughout your Sales Letter.

Potential buyers who visit your site or another one that sells
your products are more pulled to buy when they think other
people have already. If these people are happy with your product
or service, they will be too.

Include testimonials from

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