Question by Isabella: !!!TWILIGHT!!! BOOK AND MOVIE DISCUSSION!!!?
would you have liked them to make the movie of twilight just like the book? And for them to do the same with all the other books?
I feel that they did what they always to do any book that becomes a movie. i did rather enjoy the movie that i watched it 4 times with my vampire boyfriend lol its cuz he looks like edward but he has wave hair. And i love the concept of the book stephine mayer is my fav. author along with Christopher pike.
I they have to do that to book or else we would all be watching 4 – 5 hour movies which would be cool but that would be to ling and our butts would go numb hahaha. But that’s what happens to books that become movies these days. i think everything they did was good. that’s muy opining. oh one thing except for the fac that they didn’t say i Love you to one another.
Feel FREE to give any opinion you have ok even if you don’t like twilight. i will not be offended in anyway…
Thank you for you help and opinion’s!
ps. leave me your email address if you would like.
Best answer:
Answer by OMG_CATZ xx♥
i think Twilight is absoulutley stupid.
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