twilight movie?

Question by Sarah: twilight movie?
this is so depressing. i’ve seen a lot of questions about twilight and such and yeah. they’re making a movie to be released in 2008. they’ve picked bella and edward.

does anyone hate the edward they picked as much as i do??
dear person number 3…
the twilight books are amazing. you should read them 🙂 lol
(that’s why everyone is talking about them)

and person number one… i doubt you could hate him more than me. serisously. i almost died when i found out who he was >.< ugh! i mean, c'mon! he's supposed to be BEAUTIFUL!!! ugh! >.< lol Best answer:

Answer by sheik
i think i hate him more if not the same

i freaked when i got the news
i called all my friends even though some of them didnt know what the hell i was talking about

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