Twilight movie question?
Question by sabrina: Twilight movie question?
ok so i was (once again) watching the twilight trailer and i noticed something but i could be wrong! at the very beginning of the trailer when bella (kristen) walks up to the window and sees edward leaning against his car…well is that bella’s room window? i mean there is a tree in front so it would make sense, but isn’t it wierd that it is at the front of the house??? lol very random!
and also, who is the person that says “the hunt is his obsession, he’ll never stop”! i guess it would make sence if it was edward, but it doesnt doesn’tlike him! it sound different!!! :S! maybe im just crazy =D lol!
anybody else notice anything cool/wierd/different/awesome about the trailer???
Best answer:
Answer by Kaite
I always thought her window was at the front of the house. when talking about the hunt they’re talking about james.
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