Upload the Video, upload you ? and boost your website traffic


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Upload the Video, upload you ? and boost your website traffic

Video marketing. It’s the latest thing. From selling digital products to your own range of cuddly toys designed by your ten year old daughter. But if you’ve never done it, it can be a bit nerve-wracking at first.

So here are a few tips for getting started:

Get a small HD camera. Sony are probably the best for this kind of thing, budget around £350-£500.00. Give you excellent resolution even in low light
Write a script. Yep, preparation is everything. Your script is like your rudder and will keep you going without running into banks of sudden memory loss. Learn your lines as best you can. Yes, be an actor. It’s not SO difficult. Break the sentences down into small chunks. Learn the first paragraph, then the second, then go back and do paragraph 1 and 2 together. Then go to the third. And so on. This discipline will help you develop a sense of

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