UYA – DeathBySnowman’s Montage & Tribute

PLEASE READ: If there’s one thing you can do to make this way better than it otherwise would be, it’s to listen with the sound on (If you don’t think it matters, watch this with and without the sound: The American Dollar songs I used in this video were picked specifically for both their musical sound and their title (see track listing below and you’ll understand). The first and last songs are songs that I specifically saved for this video (I didn’t use them in any of my other ones). Also, all of the video editing I did (slo-mo, etc.) was to get the video into the mood of the music and to kind of “tell a story” through the clips, if you will. So seriously, turn the sound on. Anyways, this is my montage and tribute to UYA, by far my favorite video game and by far the video game I have played most. As you’ll see, it’s mostly a Flux montage but there’s a few wrench shots that I thought were worthy and one very special shot mixed in (you’ll have to watch and see). At the risk of sounding cheesy, you guys and girls who play UYA are all very special to me (even you, Darktrooper) and I can truthfully say that the last 4 1/2 years of my life would not have been the same without you. I tried to thank all of you personally in the tribute but I’m sure I probably forgot some people, and if I forgot you I’m sorry. If that happened, I will acknowledge you here in this section, but I don’t plan on making another tribute at any time. This montage and tribute is my way of

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