Video responses – How Thunderf00t can make his channel profitable

This is a video response to Thunderf00t Thunderf00t’s video to HowTheWorldWorks appears to have been flagged down. Here is a copy Thunderf00t’s video from 2009 about becoming a partner My video response to him about the benefits of the Partner Program To quote from Thunderf00t’s video description “Gotta be honest I do kinda enjoy making youtube videos…. and evidently people like watching them. Only problem is though it takes up a lot of time. Most of the videos I put out have far more thought, planning and production in them than the ‘entertainingly angry man rants at camera about opinions’ type thing. Initially all I wanted to do was put out some reasonably well thought out media on the basis that eventually people would find it and put it to good use. The channel on average now pulls in some 12 mn hits per year. I figure its worth keeping up…. For the time that’s put into it… I reckon it does a lot of good. But increasingly it feels like an unappreciated venture getting swamped in a sea of media… and the only way to avoid sinking is to create more and better material (a treadmill just to keep the head above water). For me this has been heading to a crunch for some time now, probably about a year. Even as it stands this channel significantly impacts on my job, and that really does limit my options for putting more time into this. -Is it possible that this channel could produce a living wage? Not a

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