Video Wars – Contestants Nervous About Elimination!! Episode 10 bindass

With the first elimination over, but the second one just around the corner, all five contestants aim to stake their claims to be in the next week of ‘Bindass Video Wars’! This is the tenth episode of ‘Bindass Video Wars’, and continuing a noticeable trend, it too manages to be refreshing, different and, above all, a whole lot of fun! Watch ‘Video Wars’ every Monday-Friday at 7pm only on bindass! Subscribe to now for the latest updates on Bindass Follow us on Other shows available on bindass:- 1. AXE Chickipedia: A dummies’ guide to understanding women and knowing how to deal with them when they put you in a spot. These hilarious webisodes will explore the stereotypes, revel in clichés and exploit the common notions about the fairer sex, all in good humor. 2. Beg Borrow Steal – a show where the contestant’s adventures of making through various destinations with little or no money. 3. Big Switch: is a television show based on slum kids hosted by Genelia D’Souza on UTV Bindass channel. In the show, ten rich brats from around the country, are paired with a youngster from the slums, referred to as a “slum buddy”. The rich brats live in the slums and try to fulfil their slum buddie’s dreams 4. Dadagiri: This recruitment special sees the first lot of cadets being selected – only 14 will make it to the show, where they get to see what it’s like to be a real commando! 5. Date Trap: is a show that gives you a chance to set your friend up on a prank
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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