Wally Wood
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Wally Wood
Early life and career
Wally Wood was born on June 17, 1927, and began reading and drawing comics at an early age. He was strongly influenced by the art styles of Alex Raymond’s Flash Gordon, Milton Caniff’s Terry and the Pirates, Hal Foster’s Prince Valiant, Will Eisner’s The Spirit and especially Roy Crane’s Wash Tubbs. Recalling his childhood, Wood said that his dream at age six, about finding a magic pencil that could draw anything, foretold his future as an artist.
Former Wood Studio writer-artist Bhob Stewart’s 2003 biographical anthology. Cover art by Wood, from 1978.
Wood’s mother was his first publisher, in a sense, collecting his early drawings and binding them on her sewing machine into books. These early and mostly undated works still exist today because of her actions and offer a glimpse into his progression as a
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