Wally Wood
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first alternative comics, a decade before Mike Friedrich’s Star Reach or Flo Steinberg’s Big Apple Comix (for which Wood drew the cover and contributed a story). Wood offered his fellow professionals the opportunity to contribute illustrations and graphic stories that detoured from the usual conventions of the comics industry. After the fourth issue, Wood turned witzend over to Bill Pearson, who continued as editor and publisher through the 1970s and into the 1980s.
The Marvel Comics Art of Wally Wood (1982) collects his 1970s Dr. Doom and fantasy stories.
Wood additionally collected his feature Sally Forth, published in the U.S. servicemen’s periodicals Military News and Overseas Weekly from 1968-1974, in a series of four oversize (10″x12″) magazines. Pearson, from 1993-95, reformatted the strips into a series of comics published by Eros Comix, an imprint of
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