Wally Wood
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Gang Bang. It featured two sexually explicit Sally Forth stories, and sexually explicit versions of Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, titled So White and the Six Dorks; Terry and The Pirates, titled Perry and the Privates; Prince Valiant, titled Prince Violate; Superman and Wonder Woman, titled Stuporman Meets Blunder Woman; Flash Gordon, titled Flasher Gordon; and Tarzan titled Starzan. A third issue, published posthumously, reprinted Wood’s 1976-1977 Malice in Wonderland, from National Screw magazine, and other Wood material from Wally Wood’s Weird Sex-Fantasy (1977).[citation needed]
Final years
For much of his adult life, Wood suffered from chronic, unexplainable headaches. In the 1970s, following bouts with alcoholism, Wood suffered from kidney failure. A stroke in 1978 caused a loss of vision in one eye. Faced with declining health and career
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